Pioneer Elementary is one of four elementary schools in EUSD offering the Dual Language Spanish/English program K-5th grade with the 90/10 model where by fourth and fifth grade instruction is 50% English and 50% Spanish in all content areas. Pioneer is a 1:1 ipad school for all 2nd-5th grade students. Our goal is to be a 1:1 ipad school for all grades K-5th. Pioneer Elementary is updating our technology through the use of apple TV and TV screens. At Pioneer, we have a strong PTA parent involvement presence in many areas of our school. We encourage all of our families to participate in our PTA/site evening events and become a PTA member. A special “Thank You” for our Pioneer parents/guardians and community volunteers for your support of our students both at home and at school. We have been in the top five schools district-wide with the use of Compass Learning online instruction with a blended learning environment here at Pioneer.